Thursday, 1 November 2018

Follow-Through Phase

In the follow-through phase, I still need to contract certain segments. To make sure my shot is effective I need to contract my smaller muscles in my arm. Now I can see that I'm contracting my smaller muscles n my body because my arms are the only parts moving. I also noticed that my wrist is flicked forward this is so that the basketball is spinning which gives it more momentum towards the basketball rim. 

While moving from the execution phase to the follow through phase both my Shoulder and Elbow joints are working. The Shoulder joint is extending. The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is the latissimus dorsi and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is the pectoralis major. The Elbow joint is extending. The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is my triceps and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is my biceps. The similarities I can see in my technique compared to the ideal is that our knees and hips are extended which means I am following through correctly. 

In the follow-through phase, balance and stability is still important to producing a well-executed shot. To be balanced in this phase I need to make sure that my line of gravity is running straight through my body. I know I am balanced because my body is upright so my line of gravity can go straight down my body. The similarities I can see in my balance and stability between me and the ideal is that both our line of gravity is running straight down our bodies and our feet is still on the ground.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

P.E 1.1 Log 6- Kickball

On Friday during our game of Kickball, the 2 factors that influenced me to participate in our practical
lesson were…
Challenge influenced me as I had to make sure I didn't get hit by the ball or get caught out, which influenced me to run faster and move at a more faster rate.
Aesthetic appeal influenced my performance because when I kicked the ball, I would get a thrill or enjoyment knowing that the opposite team wasn't able to catch the ball and get me out.

P.E 1.1 Log 5- Modified Touch

On tuesday during our game of Modified Touch, the 2 factors that influenced me to participate in our practical lesson were…
Social factors influenced my performance as I was able to play with a group of people and friends which meant I was able to bond with them throughout the game of modified touch.
Being able to go at my own pace influenced me because as the game of modified touch intensified I was able to think so I could get a clear head which helps me to change up the game so it's suitable for my pace.

P.E 1.1 Log 4- King Dodgeball

On Friday during the game of King Dodgeball, the 2 factors that influenced me to participate in our practical lesson were…
Sense of achievement influenced me as when I was able to either catch the ball on the full or hitting the opposition with the ball causing them to get out.
Fun and enjoyment influenced me was by enjoying the game so it would improve my performance at a higher standard. I was also able to have fun and enjoy king dodgeball with my friends and teammates.

P.E 1.1 Log 3- Modified Touch

On Tuesday during our game of modified touch, the 2 factors that influenced me to participate in our practical lesson were…
Social factors influenced me as I always participate in physical education competitively with other students which influences my performance and the way I play with friends and other students.
Challenges because I always enjoy physical education for the competition and the challenge. I prefer challenges as it takes my skills to higher levels when participating in games.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

P.E 1.1: Log 2- Island Ball

On Tuesday during our game of Island Ball, the 2 factors that influenced me to participate in
our practical lesson were...
Well-Being influenced me as I know that when ever I participate in physical education
I improve my physical well being. It improved my physical well being by participating to become morefitter.
Fun and enjoyment influenced me as I know when I ever I participate in pe,
I always give it 100% to enjoy it.  The reason I enjoyed it is because everyone in my team kept the fun vibe going on during the game.

P.E 1.1: Log 1- Kio Rahi

Last term during the game of Kio Rahi, the 2 factors that influenced me to participate in our practical lesson were…
Sense of achievement influenced me as it gave me a sense of pride when finishingthe game of kioi rahi. It helped me by participating and not giving up so we were able to win the game. Well-Being influenced me because I knew that if I participated in the practical lesson,
I will be able to be fitter and will help my physical well-being.

Execution Phase

In the execution phase, I still need to contract as many segments as possible to generate maximum force. As well as using my lower body segments, I also need to contract my upper body muscles in my Basketball Shot. In order to create maximum force I need to follow a sequence which is contracting my large muscles to generate enough force that passes up to my upper body smaller muscles. I also need to follow the correct timing so I am able to generate more force. I know I am generating more force as my lower body is extending.  

While in the execution phase the joints that are being used are my knee, hip and elbow joint. The first joint extending is my knee joint also known as the tibia. The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is my quadriceps and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is my hamstring. The Hip joint would be the second joint contracting. The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is my gluteus maximus and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is my quadriceps. The next joint contracting is the elbow joint also known as the hinge joint. The agonist muscle contracting to make this movement is triceps and the antagonist muscle relaxing in this movement is my biceps. 

In the execution phase I am using Newton's 2nd law. Newton's second law states that the move in the direction of the force being applied, and will accelerate at a rate dependent upon:
The size of the force and size of the object. A small object will move faster than a larger object.
A greater force will move an object faster than a smaller force.

In the execution phase, balance and stability are important to produce a well-coordinated shot. To be balanced my centre of gravity has to be in the centre of my body. If my centre of gravity is outside my body this means Im unstable. As shown in the execution phase, Im balanced and stable as my centre of gravity is in the centre of my body.  

The differences and similarities I can see in my joints and the ideal are that both our feet are planted firmly on the ground and have the ball above our head ready to release the ball to the hoop. As shown we both are plantar flexion and out knees, hips and elbow are extended. 

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Preparation Phase

To generate maximum force I need to contract as many segments as possible. I know I am contracting the principle of segments in my preparation phase because my lower body muscles are working with a maximum force so that the power of my shot increases. As shown I am using all my contracting muscles in sequence which is when my larger muscles are working first then flows up towards the top right until the release of the basketball. 

In the preparation phase, I am contracting my lower body muscles. This means that I am using my Hips, Knees and Ankle joints in this phase. Firstly, my knee joint is the first joint contracting which is classified as a hinge joint. While contracting my agonist muscle is my quadriceps while antagonist muscle is relaxing which is my hamstrings.  

In the preparation phase, I am using Newton's Laws. The Newton's law that I am using in this phase is his 1st Law. Newton's 1st Law states that in order to move something, you must apply force. The bigger the object the more the force needs to be applied. I know that I'm overcoming my inertia by contracting my hamstrings allowing me to apply force towards my throw. 

In the preparation phase, balance and stability are important when performing a sporting movement. I've proven in my preparation phase that I'm well balanced and stable. As shown my line of gravity runs straight through my body and between my feet. This means that I'm stable and well balanced. Based on the principle of the base of support, both feet are firmly on the ground meaning I'm more stable. 

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Log 6- Multi Sport

Yesterday during the game of Multisport, I demonstrated the interpersonal skill, Inclusiveness.                                           I was able to accomplish this interpersonal skill by including others during multisport whether it's a game of basketball or soccer. I demonstrated this by making sure that other people had a chance to participate and contribute so they are able to complete their assessment as well as me. This way they were able to feel apart of a team instead of feeling left out. This impacted on my team positively as we were able to let everyone have a go as each person brings a different skill to the group meaning we were able to win more games while including each other.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Log 5- Kickball

Last Thursday during the tough and fast game of Kickball, I demonstrated the interpersonal skill, Effective communication. I accomplished this by using verbal and non-verbal communication with my team trying to figure out different ways to score a point or set up a better fielding line. We came up with ways such as finding open space, kicking the ball soft if there's no one in front and trying to rebound it off the wall so it drags players one way meaning you can run the other way. I also used non-verbal communication for defense. Non-verbal meaning hand signals such as spreading out, moving forward or moving towards the back.                            This impacted on my team positively as we were able to score more points but didn't end up winning but our fielding line was at a much better rate then when we started the game.

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Log 4- Kick Ball

Last Thursday during the fast paced game of Kickball, I demonstrated the interpersonal skill, Cooperation. I accomplished this by working with my team who all had a common goal which was to get to the other side of the gym and back to score a point. This was demonstrated as we all communicated with each other, giving each other different feedback and effective ways to get to the other side. This impacted on the way our team were playing which meant we were able to score more points and win the game.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Log 3- Basketball

Last Friday during basketball, I demonstrated the interpersonal skill, giving and receiving feedback.            I was able to accomplish this by talking with my teammates helping or encouraging them whether it's jump forward when you shoot to allow more power for your shot or dribble or move with a single player instead of changing players to mark as this creates a stumble as players are confused as to where to go.                                                  This took a massive impact on my teammates as the basketball went in the net more often when I said jump forward when shooting or teammates were able to retrieve the ball better since it made the opponent harder to get passed as they couldn't pass quite easily.

Log 2- Obstacle Course

Last Thursday during the obstacle course I was able to demonstrate the interpersonal skill Supporting and encouraging others.                                                      I accomplished this by supporting my teammate to try and complete the course as we had to do it blindfolded. I had to support him through some tricky obstacles since he couldn't see. So I supported him by giving him a shoulder to hold while he tries to balance on the bench and by encouraging him to finish what he started. It was hard for him as he is tall so he struggled to go through the wooden stand.                   This impacted on my blind buddy as he was able to complete the obstacle course with just a little bump to the head passing our last obstacle. He did feel as if he could now overcome the obstacle course.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Log 1- Fast Ball

Last Friday during the game fast ball, I demonstrated the interpersonal skill, effective communication. I was able to accomplish this by communicating with my team, trying to find out better defensive strategies. I told them “run towards them to tag them which gives them a decreased chance of making it towards our base, instead of waiting for them to come towards you.” I also used hand signals to communicate with my teammates which means I demonstrated non-verbal communication. I used different hand signals such as moving up, coming back and rotation positions so people would get an equal chance of being defenders and offenders.                                 This impacted on my team positively, as defensive was at a much more higher standard which meant we were able to win the game.